Category: Անգլերեն

Project «I am Sebastian»

Project «I am Sebastian»

I study at “Mkhitar Sebastatsi” Educational school. I am in the 6th grade. I love my school very much.Our school is a very interesting school. It is very modern. The teachers at our school are very kind and friendly. I like travel very much and we travel often. I love my school very much.


Գրիր տեքստում ընդգծված բառերի թարգմանությունները։
argument – վեճ
uprooted – արմատախիլ անեց
cover – ծածկել
smiled warmly – ջերմորեն ժպտաց
said calmly – ասեց հանգիստ
suggested – առաջարկեց
strength – ուժ
shrugged – թոթովեց ուսերը
whipped around – մի կողմից մյուսը պտտվեց
huffed and puffed – խորը շունչ քաշել և փչել
wrapped his shawl tightly around himself – շալը ամուր փաթաթեց իր շուրջ
shelter – ապաստարան
drifted away – շեղվել
curled up – հարմարվեց
yawned lazily – ծուլորեն հորանջեց
wiped his sweat – քրտինքը սրբեց
shawl – շալ
cheerfully – զվարթորեն
rustle – խշշալ
teasing smile – ծաղրող ժպիտ
whistling happily – ուրախ սուլելով

Տեքստից դուրս գրիր ածականները։
Stronger, huge, powerful, simple, first, brighter, bigger, hot, summer, strange.

Տեքստից դուրս գրիր մակբայերը / մակբայը գործածվում է բայի հետ՝happy-happily, beautiful-beautifully, to smile happily երջանիկ ժպտալ, ուրախ ժպտալ։ մակբայը վերջանում է -ly-վերջածանցով։/
Proudly, warmly, calmly, finally, happily, tightly, lazily, cheerfully.

Գտիր կարմիր գույնով նշված բառերի հականիշները։
Huge – tiny
million – zero
cover – uncover
no one – everyone
smile – frown
simple – hard
replied – asked
sky – earth
out – in
hot – cold
summer day – winter day
man – woman.

Ին՞չ ժամանակաձևով են գրված կապույտ գույնով նշված նախադասությունները։
I am stronger than you. – Present Simple
The Wind began to grumble. – Past Simple
He whipped around looking for something to show off his strength. – Past Simple
“Shall we see, who can force him off the road first?” – Future Simple

Answer the questions

  1. What were The Wind and the Sun talking about?
  • The Wind and the Sun were having an argument, about who was stronger.
  1. What did the Wind say?
  • The Wind said: “I have uprooted huge trees and drowned millions of ships”.
  1. What can he cover with?
  • He can cover the Sun with clouds.
  1. Was the Sun angry?
  • No.
  1. Did they have a test, and what test it was?
  • Yes, they had a test to see who is the strongest.
  1. Did the Wind suggest, and what did it do after that?
  • The Wind suggested to do a test, and then he whipped around looking for something to show off his strength.
  1. Who was walking down a road?
  • A man was walking down a road.
  1. Say what the Wind did to show his strength?
  • The Wind shrugged and whipped around the sky. He huffed and puffed and made the leaves shiver in the trees.
  1. What did the man do, when thunderclouds appeared in the sky?
  • The man wrapped his shawl even tighter.
  1. What did the Sun do?
  • The Sun stretched his rays. He seemed to grow brighter and bigger in the sky.
  1. Who won the test?
  • The Sun won the test.
  1. What did the man say about the weather?
  • “What strange weather we’re having today”, he said to himself.
  1. What did they do after all?
  • They laughed together and watched the man walking down the road, again whistling happily to himself.


Դուրս գրեք անծանոթ բառերը:
Estate – գույք

bargain – գործարք

immediately – անմիջապես

Ընդգծված նախադասությունները գրեք բոլոր հնարավոր ժամանակաձևերով:

The Duke of the Wellington owned a large estate in Berkshire.
The Duke of the Wellington owns a large estate in Berkshire.
The Duke of the Wellington will own a large estate in Berkshire.

Berkshire is a very beautiful part of England.
Berkshire was a very beautiful part of England.
Berkshire will be a very beautiful part of England.

Next to his estate was a farm surrounded by fields.
Next to his estate is a farm surrounded by fields.
Next to his estate will be a farm surrounded by fields.

Some weeks later the agent came to see the Duke.
Some weeks later the agent comes to see the Duke.
Some weeks later the agent will come to see the Duke.

The farm is worth 4000$.
The farm was worth 4000$.
The farm will be worth 4000$.

Գրեք կարմիրով նշված բառերի հականիշները:
large- small
beautiful – ugly
buy – sell
some – many
came – went
said – was silent
give – take
man – woman

Դուրս գրեք տեքստի գոյականները և բայերը:
Duke, estate, part, farm, fields, agent, farmer, weeks, worth, bargain, money, man, difficulties.

Owned, is, was, surrounded, wanted, buy, add, said, go, see, try, came, pay, asked, got, needed, give, gained.

Answer the questions

  1. Was the price of the farm 3000$?
    No, the price of the farm was 4,000$.
  2. Will Farmer Jackson sell the farm?
    Yes, Farmer Jackson will sell the farm.
  3. Were there fields round the farm?
    Yes, there were fields round the farm.
  4. Had the Duke a large estate in Berkshire?
    Yes, the Duke had a large estate in Berkshire.
  5. Is Berkshire a beautiful country?
    Yes, Berkshire is a very beautiful country.
  6. Is Berkshire in England?
    Yes, Berkshire is in England.
  7. Was Farmer Jackson in difficulties?
    Yes, Farmer Jackson was in difficulties.


Դուրս գրիր անծանոթ բառերը:

tramp- թափառաշրջիկ

annoy – ջղայնացնել


fed up – կուշտ լինել

Կարմիրով նշված նախադասությունները գրիր ներկա ժամանակով:

He woke the tramp up and said –
He wakes the tramp up and says

he was very fed up – he is very fed up

Կապույտով գրված նախադասությունները՝ անցյալով:

I haven’t got a watch -I hadn’t got a watch

I am sorry to bother you – I was sorry to bother you

Կանաչով գրված նախադասությունները՝ ապառնիով:

One of them tapped him on the shoulder and asked. – One of them will tap him on the shoulder and will ask.

He read the sign, woke up the tramp and said – He will read the sign, will wake up the tramp and will say.

Answer the questions
1 What was doing a tramp late at night?
The tramp was sleeping.
2 Where he was sleeping?
He was sleeping on a park bench.
3 Was it day or night?
It was night.
4 Who was walking past?
A man and a woman were walking past.
5 Was he pleased by waking up?
No, he was annoyed.
6 Did he have a watch?
No, he didn’t have a watch.
7 What did the tramp do?
He went back to sleep.
8 What did he write on the paper?
He wrote that he didn’t know what time it was.
9 Who wake the tramp up?
A policeman wake the tramp.
10 What did the policeman say?
The policeman said that it was 2:30.

Complete the sentences
1 A tramp was sleeping on a park bench late at night.
2 One of them tapped him on the shoulder.
3 The tramp was very annoyed at being woken up.
4 Some time later another man was passing.
5 Half an hour later, a policeman was passing.

If I had a magic stick

“We all know about kind fairies from the fairytales who appeared at the right time and helped with their magic stick. I think everyone wanted to have such stick and imagined what he would do with it.So if I had a magic stick I would firstly use it to make all the ill people get healthy again. After that I would give food and money to hungry and poor people. And people would be happy and would enjoy their lives.


  • Դուրս գրել անծանոթ բառերը:

   Magical – կախարդական

   Trace – հետք

                   Thirsty – ծարավ

                   Glad – ուրախ

                   Stone – քար

                   Variety – տարատեսակ

                   Delicious – համեղ

                   Stretching – ձգում

                   Pouncing – ցնցում

  • Գտնել կարմիրով նշված բառերի հոմանիշները՝ beautiful-pretty

Wish – want

Stone – rock

Variety – diversity

Delicious – tasty

Much – very

Reply- respond

  • Գտնել կապույտով նշված բառերի հականիշները՝ happy-sad

Day – afternoon

Under – above

In front of – behind

Sat / sit/ – stand

Found /find/ – lost

Cold – hot

After – before

Young – old

Appear – disappear

Soon – late

Fast – slow

Began /begin/ – finish, end

Demon – angel

  • Գրեք պատում հետևյալ վերնագրով՝ <<If I had a magic stick>> <<Եթե կախարդական փայտիկ ունենայի>>

Exercise 1

Fill in the correct word (some or any).

  1. Sue went to the cinema with some of her friends!
  2. Jane doesn’t have any friends.
  3. Have you got any brothers or sisters?
  4. Here is some food for the cat.
  5. I think you should put some flowers on the table.
  6. Could you check if there are any calls on the answering machine?
  7. I don’t want any presents for my birthday.
  8. Did they have any news for you?
  9. I’m hungry – I’ll have some sandwiches.
  10. There aren’t any apples left.

Ex 2

She plays tennis very well.
The match finished very late.
Some snakes are dangerous.
They came in quietly.
He is an awful person.
You speak English perfectly.
A tortoise walks slowly.
She is a famous singer.
He looked at me angrily.
My dad drives carefully.

THE suitcase

One of our friends was leaving the country for a year and we decided to go to the airport with him. We helped him to carry his heavy suitcases, waited until it was his flight time and said him goodbye. After we saw his plane to take off and fly, we decided to go back home. Then, one of passenger who just arrived to the country, came towards us. He said he was a tourist who was traveling alone, and he was sad because his suitcase was lost. He asked us is it possible to come with us. We agreed to see him off to the city. On our way we decided to cheer this man up, and said we will show him some beautiful places before going to the city. So we had a good time together, and at the end of the day, when we were already in the city, the tourist said that at first he was upset, but now he is happy his suitcase was lost.


  • Տեքստի ընդգծված նախադասությունները դարձրու հարցական և ժխտական:

1.One day a giant moose came to this river.

Did one day a giant moose come to this river?

One day a giant moose didn’t come to this river.

2.All the animals laughed at Fly

Did all the animals laugh at Fly?

All the animals didn’t laugh at Fly.

3.I will gnaw on that moose’s legs until he runs away.

Will I gnaw on that moose’s legs until he runs away?

I will not gnaw on that moose’s legs umtil he runs away.

4.We need another plan.

Do we need another plan?

We don’t need another plan.

5.I am the strongest

Am I the strongest?

I am not the strongest.

6. The moose is twice your size.

Is the moose twice your size?

The moose isn’t twice your size.

7.The moose was unable to stop Fly, so he turned and ran.

Was the moose unable to stop Fly, so he turned and ran?

The moose wasn’t unable to stop Fly, so he turned and ran.

8.The animals never saw him again.

Did the animals never see him again?

The animals didn’t never see him again.

  • Կապույտով նշված բառերը թարգմանիր:

giant – հսկա

beaver – բիվեր

pest – վնասատու

hooves – սմբակներ

tightly – սերտ, սերտորեն

yelled – բղավեց

• Տեքստից դուրս գրիր ածականները` beautiful

Beautiful, giant, big, another, thirsty, tiny, dark, strong, same, quiet, weakest, hard, special.

• Տեքստից դուրս գրիր մակբայերը՝ beautifuly

Much,twice, truly, tightly.

• Ընտրիր ճիշտ տարբերակը

  1. Why didn’t the other animals think Fly’s plan would work?
    a) Bear was too scared.
    b) Fly was too small. +
    c) The moose was too fast.
    d) Fly had a broken wing.
    2) What problem was the moose causing?
    a) He was destroying the animals’ homes.
    b) He was being mean to the animals.
    c) He was drinking too much water. +
    d) He was eating all their food.
    3) Which line from the story shows that Fly is determined (strong-minded)?
    a) “I’ll never stop.” +
    b) “Hooray for Fly!”
    c) “But the moose is twice your size!”
    d) “So, what’s the plan?”
    4) Fly is the smallest animal in the story. In what way is he the strongest? Explain
    your answer.
    In this story Fly is the smallest animal, but also the strongest one, because he knows how to use his brain.

    5) What was the moose doing that made the animals call him a pest?
    The moose was drinking so much water that river was going down and other animals wouldn’t have water to drink.
    6. How Fly Saved the River
    Fly bit the moose several times, Moose ran away and this is how Fly saved the river.

• Տեղադրիր a, an, some,  any
1 Please get some bread from the baker’s.

  1. We need some money to buy a present  for mother’s Birthday.
  2. Dad, there are some letters for you.
  3. There aren’t any books on the shelf.
  4. It is an elephant.
  5. Thanks a lot. Can I have some water first?
  6. It is a very interesting story about animals.

• Կարդա հետևյալ տեղեկությունները կենդանիների մասին և ընտրիր, թե յուրաքանչյուր հատվածը որ կենդանու մասին է՝ cat, dog, hamster, lizard, fish, parrot
1 It is a good friend. Takes it out for walks every day. Feed it meat and give it water to drink.
It is a dog.
2.  It needs an aquarium to swim. Change the water and clean the aquarium regulary. Feed your pet special food once a day.
It is a fish.

  1. It needs a warm house. It needs rocks and plants to climb on. Feed it insects, spiders, mice or rats and give it water to drink.
    It is a lizard.
  2. It is very friendly and likes to play outside. It sleeps a lot and needs quiet and warm place to rest. Feed it special biscuits, meat or fish and water to drink.
    It is a cat.
  3. It needs a cage where it can run around and a box to sleep in. Feed your pet seeds, nuts, fruit and vegetables and give  water to drink.
    It is a hamster.
  4. It needs a big cage. Don’t forget to clean the cage. Pet your pet fly outside the cage regularly. Feed your pet seeds and give water to drink.
    It is a parrot.


Տեղադրեք a, an, the որտեղ անհրաժեշտ է։

It was a nice place with a green trees near the river.  The boys are playing a football in the yard. They spoke much about a modern literature and art. I have an idea of going for a walk as far as the station. Shall we go to London by a train or by a bus.

Գրիր փոքրիկ պատում օգտագործելով այս բառերը, վերնագրում եք ձեր պատումը:

boat-նավակ, journey-ճանապարհորդություն, զբոսանք, hiking-արշավել, քայլել, to go in far-հեռու գնալ, to travel-ճանապարհորդել, team-խումբ, to see off-ուղեկցել,  plane-ինքնաթիռ, passenger-ուղևոր, to agree-համաձայնվել, airport-օդանավակայան, trip-ճամփորդություն, to try on-փորձարկել, to fly-թռնել, heavy-ծանր, carriage-վագոն, port-նավահանգիստ,  leave-մեկնել, catch-բռնել, comfortable-հարմարավետ, possible-հնարավոր, seat-նստատեղ, suitcase-ճամպրուկ, ticket-տոմս, station-կայարան, կայան train-գնացք, railway-երկաթուղի

The suitcase

One of our friends was leaving the country for a year and we decided to go to the airport with him. We helped him to carry his heavy suitcases, waited until it was his flight time and said him goodbye. After we saw his plane to take off and fly, we decided to go back home. Then, one of passenger who just arrived to the country, came towards us. He said he was a tourist who was traveling alone, and he was sad because his suitcase was lost. He asked us is it possible to come with us. We agreed to see him off to the city. On our way we decided to cheer this man up, and said we will show him some beautiful places before going to the city. So we had a good time together, and at the end of the day, when we were already in the city, the tourist said that at first he was upset, but now he is happy his suitcase was lost.

  • Նախադասությունները գրեք անցյալ, ներկա շարունակական, ապառնի ժամանակաձևերով:

1. They go to the cinema every Sunday.

They are going to the cinema every Sunday.

They went to the cinema every Sunday.

They will go to the cinema every Sunday.

2. She eats ice-cream in summer.

She is eating ice-cream in summer.

She ate ice-cream in summer.

She will eat ice-cream in summer.

3. The boys play football in the yard.

The boys are playing football in the yard.

The boys played football in the yard.

The boys will play football in the yard.

4. The children have got five lessons at school.

The children are having got five lessons at school.

The children had got five lessons at school.

The children will have got five lessons at school.

5. Jane usually goes to bed at 10 o’clock.

Jan usually is going to bed at 10 o’clock.

Jan usually went to bed at 10 o’clock.

Jan usually will go to bed at 10 o’clock.


Կարդա տեքստը, դուրս գրիր անծանոթ բառերը և կատարիր առաջադրանքերը։

Cherry – բալ

Handful – բուռ

Went up -գնալ

  1. Կանաչ գունով նշված նախադասությունները դարձրու հարցական և ժխտական։

1․One day a woman went shopping to the market with her small son.

Did one day a woman go shopping to the market with her small son?

One day a woman didn’t go shopping to the market with her small son.

2․The man liked the small boy․

Did the man like the small boy?

The men didn’t like the small boy.

3․The boy went up to the box of cherries.

Did the boy go up to the box of cherries?

The boy didn’t go up to the box of cherries.

4․The man took a big handful of cherries and gave them to the boy.

Did the man take a big handful of cherries and gave them to the boy?

The man didn’t take a big handful of cherries and gave them to the boy.

  • Գրիր հետևյալ ածականների համեմատության աստիճանները /bad, big, comfortable, happy, fat, wonderful, interesting/

Օրինակ.՝ small-smaller-the smallest

                   good-better-the best

                   beautiful-more beautiful-the most beautiful

Bad-worse- the worst

Big-bigger-the biggest

Comfortable-more comfortable-the most comfortable

Happy-happier-the happiest

Fat-fatter-the fattest

Wonderful-more wonderful-the most wonderful

Interesting-more interesting-the most interesting

Ex. 11

  1. Tony is never rude.
  2. The children sometimes play tennis.
  3. I often go to the beach.
  4. We always eat breakfast before school.
  5. Aya often helps her mom.
  6. You always do your homework.
  7. The boys sometimes watch films.
  8. Josh and I always tidy our rooms.

Ex. 12

  1. I always wake up at 7:30 am.
  2. I am never late for school.
  3. I often play computer games.
  4. I sometimes go jogging.
  5. I usually go to bed at 10 o’clock.
  6. I always tidy my room.


James is a student. He gets up early every morning and has breakfast with his family. Then he leaves for school. James catches the bus to school because his school is far from his home. He meets his friends at school before he starts lessons. After school, he returns home and does his homework. In the evening he usually watches TV or reads a book.